Monday, 3 March 2025

Exploring the world of transformation occurring in the Philippine banking industry today

Philippines International Banking Convention is the leading annual conference designed for bankers and financial services professionals to catch up on the most recent trends in the Philippines banking industry. The conference brings together international speakers and Philippine banking regulators to provide crucial insights and valuable discussions pertaining to the Philippines financial industry today.


“I want to commend The Asian Banker on a job well done, as I feel the event was a great success: Informative and with interesting insights from the banking industry professionals of the Philippines, as well as, professionals outside of the country with interesting visions of the country’s future.”
- Ray Pascua, former banker and investor, Hawaii, USA
“I found the discussions, particularly the first session with Governor Tetangco, quite enlightening.”
- Armando T. Navarrete, Junior Vice President, Channel Management Division, BPI
“I would like to thank you for the opportunity given us to share our experiences in the hope that we can contribute to the growth and development of data analytics in the Philippines.”
- Alvin F. Asuncion, Customer Management Division, RCBC
“The most interesting insights for me were the discussion of Basel III and the economic outlook of the Philippines.”
- Sofia C. Laddres, Landbank
“Those are my takeaways from the conference: Analytics is the very building block to take to the next level 2. It's important to provide the right solution to the right customer on the right time. 3. Customer data is hard to come by, but banks must be able to use the available data to serve customer better.”
- Hershey Villegas, China Banking