
The Financial Resilience Forum - Agenda
Wednesday, 19 November 2014

08:30 – 09:00 Registration
09:00 – 10:30 The 2nd Financial Resilience Forum
(By Invitation only)

Welcome Notes 

Opening Keynotes
H.E. Saif Hadef Al Shamsi, Assistant Governor, Financial Stability and Monetary Policy, Central Bank of the UAE
H.E. Hans Eichel, Cofounder, G20 & former Finance Minister, Germany

Regional Financial Stability and International Economic Reforms

  • An incisive assessment of the state of financial stability in the Middle East today
  • Leadership takeaways in successful financial reforms
  • Taking stock of the balance sheets of the region's banks today

Luciano Jannelli, Chief Investment Strategist, Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank
Joannes Francesco Mongardini, Group Chief Economist, Qatar National Bank
Said Al Shaikh, Group Chief Economist, National Commercial Bank

Chaired by Gordian Gaeta, International Resource Director, The Asian Banker and co-chaired by Christian Hunt, former prudential COO, Bank of England

10:30 – 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 – 12:00 Global Commodities and Asset Pricing 2015
  • How do we see prices of key commodities and assets in the region playing out in 2015?
  • An overview of the build-up in corporate and private-sector debt in key markets. How significant are the risks associated with global easy money to finance takeovers and share repurchase?
  • What are the main market risks that should be factoring into our funding and investment considerations?

Ahmed Moawad, Group Head of Treasury, Etisalat
Suhail Al Shamshi, Group Head of Treasury, Abu Dhabi National Energy Company 
Zeinab Hashim, CEO, ADIB Capital - Egypt

12:00 – 13:30 Private Luncheon with Hans Eichel
13:30 – 14:30 Global Shadow Banking and Off Balance Sheet Activities
  • An overview of the three key measures implemented to reform the shadow banking system, particularly for non-bank financial intermediaries
  • What is happening on the off-balance sheets of both corporates and banks in the major growth engines of the world? How significant are the risks here?
  • How should Middle East institutions mitigate the spillover effect between banks and shadow banking across jurisdictions

Christian Hunt, former prudential COO, Bank of England
Dean Rowan, Group Chief Risk Officer, Gulf One Bank
Martyn Hoccom, Head of Policy, Planning & Regulation, National Bank of Abu Dhabi

14:30 – 15:30 Building the World's Strongest Financial Institution
  • What are the key milestones, successes and compromises in the journey to build a truly strong and robust financial institution?
  • How do you put in place the operational risk transformation and an enduring risk culture to meet today’s requirements?
  • Current bottlenecks in managing compliance and op risk - to what extent can GCC banks with a significant international footprint align global, extraterritorial and domestic regulatory themes and not compromise their own priorities?

Gilbert Kohnke, former Group Chief Risk Officer, OCBC Bank
Mohammad Mansour , Group Head of Compliance, Commercial Bank of Qatar
Nasser Paracha, Group Head of Audit, Fraud & Compliance, Mashreqbank
Waheed Rathore , Group Head of Compliance & AML, Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank

15:30 End of The Financial Resilience Forum

*Please note that the attendees are in various stages of invitation and confirmation. Updated list of participants will be provided as these are available.
For more details contact: Jeremy Sim

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