Developing strategies to fight financial crime in your own business

The number of instances of cyber-attacks and financial crime are rapidly increasing and assaults are more sophisticated than ever. With the onslaught through new technologies devices and platforms, organizations have to deal with this in a strategic manner.

Today financial institutions and corporates alike are forced to spend a considerable time and resources on keeping up with domestic anti-money laundering, terror financing, fraud prevention, data security and customer protection laws, not to mention FATCA and international regulations like the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Recommendations, EU directives and the USA PATRIOT Act. The fight against financial crime in all forms has become an ever-growing international battle. However, the consequences for organisations who do not address these issues in timely manner are severe, ranging from reputational damage, penalties and sanctions to financial ruin.

The Asian Banker is pleased to introduce Financial Crime 360, the regions first annual conference of its kind to keep you abreast with the latest threats and financial crimes that might affect your business. The two-day conference is made up of a series of panels of industry practitioners applying their minds to the different ways they deal with financial threats in their respective operations, so that delegates get a 360-degree perspective on the subjects.

This conference goes beyond the topic of compliance and focuses on the avoidance and minimization of the impact of financial crimes to your organization. We will address how the use of technological innovations invite new ways of financial crime and what are possible solutions to keep your organization safe. International experts in the industry will provide best practises, case studies and practical solutions. This conference also provides the opportunity to learn from peers in the industry from various different countries.

A range of key issues to be covered in Financial Crime 360 include:

  •  Public-private cooperation to prevent financial crime
  • The balance between security and data protection
  • Anti-bribery and corruption efforts in an Asian setting
  • Fraud in digital payment platforms
  • Due diligence and corporate culture of compliance
  • Cyber-attacks and malware
  • Anti-money laundering and KYC
  • FATCA and other initiatives to prevent tax evasion
  • Open source intelligence and social media as digital evidence
  • Advanced data analytics to combat crime
  • Virtual currencies

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