The China Risk Dialogue Agenda |
08:30–09:00 |
Registration |
09:00–10:30 |
Welcome Note: Foo Boon Ping, Managing Editor, The Asian Banker
Opening discussion points from: Stephen Schwartz is Chief Economist of Asia for BBVA, who leads a research team preparing macroeconomic and banking reports on China and the rest of Asia. He will be speaking on outlooks and risks for China’s banking sector arising from the US Federal Reserve Bank policies. Dr. Alden Toevs is theGroup Chief Risk Officer, Commonwealth Bank of Australia, who has advised more than 100 banks globally on strategy risk, and who is a Board member of the Centre for International Finance and Regulation. He will be speaking about best credit risk practices and liquidity management. Prof. Mario Onorato is the Honorary Professor of the Risk Management Practice at Cass Business School in London and the WW Practice Leader of Balance Sheet Risk and Capital Management at IBM Risk Analytics and Business Analytics department. Mario will give a presentation on “The Impact of New International Regulatory Requirements on Capital Management and Funding Strategies.” Key issues for discussion – Leading Challenges for CROs:
- The rise of risk governance and the board
- Shadow banking: repaying old loans, managing hidden risks, and liqudity shorteges
- Risks inherent in high-yielding wealth management products
Chairman, Foo Boon Ping, Managing Editor, The Asian Banker Co-Chairman, Rona Morgan, Former head of Risk Management at HSBC Asia Pacific |
10:30–11:00 |
Coffee Break |
11:00–12:30 |
Credit Risk: Best Practice preparation for Basel III Key areas for discussion:
- Credit risk modeling: Current practices and applications
- International best practices in stress testing
- Basel III: enterprise risk framework and portfolio analysis
- Controlling and monitoring the rise of NPLs
- Accounting for interplay between liquidity and capital in stress testing
- Off-book wealth management products and related risks
With remarks and contributions from:
- John Seel, Head of Credit Risk (China), Deutsche Bank, will be discussing best practices in Basel III implementations and credit risk management.
- Dr. Cao Jin, Deputy Manager of Risk Management, ICBC, will be speaking about risk appetite in the Chinese financial services environment.
- Dr. Wei Chen, Head of Global Banking Risk Product Management, SAS, will be discussing risk analytics in the banking sector and effective risk models.
12:30–13:30 |
Luncheon |
13:30–15:00 |
Regulation in an illiquid environment: Credit crunches and volatility Key areas for discussion:
- China’s growth momentum is slowing, what is the outlook?
- What are the main financial fragilities in the economy?
- High liquidity in China and the developing derivatives market - update on the developments and emerging challenges
- Accounting for interplay between liquidity and capital in stress testing
- What is the opportunity costs considerations and impacts on pricing and performance?
With contributions and remarks from:
- Stephen Schwartz, Chief Economist of Asia, BBVA, will be speaking about outlooks and risks for China’s banking sector
- Prof. Mario Onorato, WW practice leader of Balance Sheet Risk and Capital Management, IBM, will give a brief presentation on liquidity risk enhancements.
15:00–15:30 |
Tea Break |
15:30–17:00 |
Managing credit and portfolios in China’s growing financial services industry Key areas for discussion:
- The regulatory landscape of Basel III in Asia and China
- Strategic planning integrated with risk management and balance sheet management
- Planning
- Managing credit risk in a highly illiquid environment & best practices
- Examining methods in managing a diversified portfolio in an evolving market
With contributions and remarks from:
- Rona Morgan, the former group head of risk strategy at ANZ Bank, will be discussing best practices in stress testing.
- Vishal Kapoor, Regional Practice Lead APAC, Director, Advisory Services, Moody’s Analytics, will be discussing the importance of balance sheet management and stress testing best practices.
16:30-17:00 |
Chairman’s conclusions and closing |
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