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The Asian Banker FSI Investment Forum (FSIIF) Africa 2016
Facilitating Investors to make informed choices
Thursday 20 October, 2016  Nairobi, Kenya
08:30 – 09:00 Registration
09:00 – 10:00

Opening Session

Trends and developments in the financial services industry across the African continent

Opening remarks:
Emmanuel Daniel, Chairman, The Asian Banker

Opening dialogue:
The session will identify current innovation and trends in financial services industry today.As the economy begins to slow banks look towards consolidation, cost effective salutation and innovation through technology and alliances with Fintech solutions in order to stay ahead of the competition.

Investor Presentations From Leading Banks in the Region

Presentation by:
Leading senior economist discussing banking industry outlooks

10:30 – 11:00 Tea/Coffee Break
11:00 – 12:30

East Africa Investment Opportunities

Economic Overview of East Africa Banking Sector by: The Asian Banker
East African regulators are encouraging a shift towards a cashless society in their efforts to promote financial inclusion. Crucial steps are being taken to promote and regulate branchless banking and agency banking payments in the region. The innovations from non-traditional competitors like MPESA banks will have to position their product portfolios as a value add service to the customers who have multiple outlets for payment solutions.

Investor Presentations From Leading Banks in the Region

12:30 – 13:30 Luncheon
13:30 – 15:00

West Africa Investment Opportunities

Economic Overview of West Africa Banking Sector by: The Asian Banker
West Africa’s retail banking industry is growing at a rapid pace, with competition becoming more prevalent in the retail banking and SME space which was once largely underserved. Traditionally banks in the region have leveraged off their wholesale banking business in order to invest in technology to advance the retail banking business. Like East Africa non-traditional competitors have grown significantly in the marketplace and banks are looking for out of the box solutions in order to grow sustainable businesses.

Investor Presentations From Leading Banks in the Region

15:00 – 15:30 Tea/Coffee Break
15:30 – 16:30

Southern Africa Investment Opportunities

Economic Overview of Southern Africa Banking Sector by: The Asian Banker
Traditionally South Africa has been the benchmark and pillar of the banking community on the continent however that is changing with new regional hubs emerging and the liberalization of Southern African markets. The Southern African Development Community is working towards the interest rates to coincide with market value, reducing subsidized credit, and privatizing the bank system and easing conditions to participate in stock markets in order to attract investment and improve the financial services industry. As countries like Zambia and Angola emerge the banking sectors are a leading driver in the countries development despite the high concentration risk associated with the sectors.

Investor Presentations From Leading Banks in the Region

16:30 – 17:30

Fintech and Technology Opportunities

The new way of innovation competition verse collaboration: Leading Industry Expert
Mobile banking and payments is at the heart of banking services in Africa, as the population becomes confident in mobile transaction, the financial services community must be at the forefront in the next wave of payments. Building revenue generating models and innovative services for the banking customers is the major priority for the banks in order to compete in the marketplace. Banks will need to decide what degree of collaboration is beneficial and what IT developments should be kept in house.

Investor Presentations From Leading Banks in the Region

17:30 – 18:30

Cocktail Hour

*Please note that the speakers and panelists are in various stages of confirmation and will be updated accordingly

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