Sunday, 9 February 2025
The Bank Managers' Challenge & Convention Advisors
Michael Ong, Chair, Professor Emeritus of Finance
Dr. Ong is a Professor Emeritus of Finance at the Illinois Institute of Technology and author of books on Basel, credit risk modelling and capital allocation that are widely read in the financial services industry. Previously, he was EVP and CRO of Credit Agricole Indosuez, where he held enterprise-wide responsibility for all risk management functions for corporate banking, merchant banking, asset management, capital markets activities, and the Carr Futures Group.
Andre Thibeault, Co-Chair, The Bank Managers' Challenge & Convention
Professor Thibeault is the head of the Centre for Financial Services at Belgium’s Vlerick Business School. He was previously the chair of the finance department at the Nyenrode Business University in the Netherlands and the director of the finance insurance department of Laval University in Canada. His pioneering risk simulations have been adopted by leading banks and universities in both North America and Europe.

Mark Lawrence, MD, Mark Lawrence Group & first CRO, ANZ
Dr. Lawrence is one of Asia's most experienced experts on banking risk. He co-chaired the Institute of International Finance's global risk management working group in 2009 and was the expert principal at McKinsey & Co. Before this, he was Group Chief Risk Officer (CRO) and a member of the Management Board at ANZ Banking Group in Australia from 1999 - 2004. Prior to this, he held senior risk management roles at several New York investment banks. Earlier, Mark co-founded the Market Risk function at Merrill Lynch in New York in 1987.

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David Millar, former COO, Professional Risk Managers’ International Association
David Millar is the former chief operating officer at the Professional Risk Managers’ International Association, PRMIA, a trade association focused on improving financial risk management through professional membership events, training and certifications. Before that he worked in consultancies and banks and has 40 years experience in processes, training and risk management.

Gordian Gaeta, International Resource Director, The Asian Banker 
Dr Gaeta has been a banking consultant for some 25 years. He has advised and served many of the leading financial services organisations across Asia and close to half of the top 100 banks worldwide. He specialises in developing and implementing analytical solutions for complex strategic issues in financial services-related industries undergoing significant change or being exposed to intricate risk issues.