Malaysia Heads of Retail Dialogue

The Asian Banker is organizing a very important dialogue for decision makers and the influencers to discuss issues that are shaping  Malaysia’s retail banking environment today.

The banking arena has seen an unprecedented transformation due to rapid advances in technology, product innovation and an increasingly savvy customer base. Banks can offer their products, interpret their customers’ needs and build relationships with their clients through various channels.

The Asian Banker’s Malaysia Heads of Retail Banking Dialogue is designed as an urgent conversation between key players in the retail banking industry to closely review changes to the banking landscape and discuss issues that financial institutions are facing in the industry today.

Core to this is the rise of digital channels for banking and payments, rising regulatory oversight, and compelling need for a deeper and lasting engagement with the customer. 

This breakfast dialogue will focus broadly on the following challenges facing the Malaysian financial services industry:

  1. Managing revenue growth in a tightening regulatory and rising household debt scenario
  2. Increasing customer share of wallet by improving channel integration and use of analytics
  3. Playing on strengths while regionalizing operations
  4. Pros and cons of catering to the customers need for anytime anywhere banking
  5. Catering to the demand for SME banking while managing risks
  6. The next frontier – trends, challenges and opportunities for banks

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