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March 25, 2015 | The Asian Banker Summit 2015 to convene in Hong Kong, over 1,000 industry leaders from across the globe expected |
March 9, 2015 | 2015亚洲银行家峰会在港召开,预计全球过千名行业领导者参会 |
From sponsors, exhibitors and partners
April 8, 2016 | Compass Plus celebrates five years of success since the launch of its Open Development Payment Platform |
Request a Press pass
Accredited journalists are welcome to attend The Asian Banker Summit free of charge.
To obtain a complimentary press pass for the Summit, please contact us at
Email: jchua@theasianbanker.com
Tel: +65 6236 6532
Fax: +65 6236 6530
Please note that press passes are available for editorial staff only.
The Asian Banker reserves the right at its absolute discretion to reject any entry that it deems inappropriate.
There will be a room specially allocated for interviews with the Summit speakers. Slots are available on a first-come, first-serve basis and are available for a maximum of 1 hour. Contact us to book a time slot for this space. Please note that you are required to bring your own equipment for the interview.
About The Asian Banker
The Asian Banker is an authoritative provider of strategic business intelligence to the financial services community. The Singapore-based organization has offices in Singapore, Malaysia, China, the Philippines as well as the Middle East. With a business that revolves around three core business lines - publications, research services and forums – the organization is highly regarded in the financial services community for its incisive and independent commentaries on developments in the industry. The company’s website is www.theasianbanker.com