
Day 1

RenminbiWorld 2014
Thursday, 23 October 2014
08:00 – 09:00 Registration
09:00 – 10:30

RenminbiWorld 2014 opening session

Welcome note
Yong Zhang, Deputy Director, Lujiazui Financial & Trade Zone Administration

Keynote speeches
Yang Zheng,
Director, Municipal Financial Office, Shanghai
Jochen Metzger,
Head of Payment and Settlement Systems, Deutsche Bundesbank

Opening dialogue
The internationalisation of the renminbi is naturally connected with much of the Chinese reform agenda. The Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, which took place in November 2013, signalled China’s commitment to further reforms and opening up of its economy. New policies will continue to be implemented over the next few years.

Where are we now? How far are we from the goals of interest rate liberalisation, renminbi capital account convertibility and the development of renminbi as a global reserve currency? What are the distractions from ongoing economic and financial reform?

Panellists include:
Jochen Metzger,
Head of Payment and Settlement Systems, Deutsche Bundesbank
Yong Zhang,
Deputy Director, Lujiazui Financial & Trade Zone Administration
Guocang Huan,
CEO, Great China Strategic Capital & Primus Pacific Partners

Session chaired by Emmanuel Daniel,  Chairman, The Asian Banker
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee/Tea Break
11:00 – 12:30 Opportunities arisen from further utilization of renminbi in the international trades

- Translating emerging renminbi opportunities to real treasury benefits
  • Recent deregulation supporting MNCs’ centralized cross-border treasury management
  • How MNCs can be eligible for pilot schemes?

-Updates on renminbi-denominated trade finance
  • Is this primarily a regional phenomenon? possibility of using renminbi in non-China-dominated trades
  • Market trends for renminbi-denominated trade finance
  • Foreign banks providing tools for Chinese corporates to hedge their FX exposure

- Building an international renminbi payment infrastructure
  • New products supporting cross-border renminbi payment
  • The awaited China International Payment System (CIPS) and its impacts to renminbi ecosystem

Invited speakers/panellists include:
Anne Marion-Bouchacourt, Group Chief Country Officer for China, Societe Generale
Xia Feifei, Executive Vice President, Wing Lung Bank

Session chaired by James Cullen, former SVP, Wells Fargo
12:30 – 13:30 Luncheon
13:30 – 14:30

Looking renminbi through a new financial market infrastructure

The deepening interconnectivity of the HK and mainland markets

  • Implications of the recent Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect
  • How to solve the income taxation complication
  • The incubation of China/Hong Kong funds mutual recognition

Speakers/panellists include:
Guocang Huan, CEO, Great China Strategic Capital & Primus Pacific Partners
Alexis Garatti, Senior Analyst, Haitong International
Christopher Balding, Associate Professor of Finance and Economics, HSBC Business School of Peking University

Session chaired by  Boon Ping Foo, Managing Editor, The Asian Banker
14:30 – 15:00 Coffee/Tea Break
15:00 – 16:00

Looking renminbi through a new financial market infrastructure

OTC Derivatives market in China: time for a take-off?

  • PBOC announced mandatory central clearing of Renminbi IRS from July 2014: a positive step towards meeting G20 reform objectives. What does Shanghai Clearing need to do to qualify as an internationally recognized CCP (ESMA, IOSCO and DCO)?  What are the challenges?
  • A thriving and open OTC derivatives market is critical to support exporters and importers against IR, FX and market risk.  Will local companies seek offshore OTC services or will local OTC brokers be in a position to offer them effective services
  • The case for the buy-side entering the OTC market?  Do local service providers have the necessary tools to support this move?  What are the alternatives?

Speakers/panellists include:
Andrew Pal,  ex-CEO, UBS Futures

Session chaired by  Sam Ahmed, Managing Director & Founder, Deriv Asia
16:00 – 17:00

Looking renminbi through a new financial market infrastructure

Collateral management practices in China

  • Are we over reliant on traditional forms of collateral such as US Treasuries and the USD?  What are the risks?
  • The case for using renminbi as collateral in the Asian region: operational and liquidity factors
  • Will liquidity concerns encourage the development of an effective domestic repo market in order to access the domestic asset pool

Speakers/panellists include:
Gaetan Gosset, Head of Product Management, APAC, Euroclear
Christopher Balding, Associate Professor of Finance and Economics, HSBC Business School of Peking University

Session chaired by  Sam Ahmed, Managing Director & Founder, Deriv Asia

*Please note that the speakers and panelists are in various stages of confirmation and will be updated accordingly.

Day 2

RenminbiWorld 2014
Friday, 24 October 2014
08:30 – 09:00 Registration
09:00 – 10:00

Renminbi in the future international monetary system

  • Road ahead in the global as well as Chinese economy
  • Economic uncertainties-recent renminbi decline, economic slowdown and NPL
  • Lessons learnt from the internationalization of Japanese Yen
  • Role of Renminbi in the IMF reform for SDR basket eligibility criteria in 2015
  • How long before we see a “red-back world”?

Speakers/panellists include:
Eisuke Sakakibara , Former Vice Minister for Finance, Japan
Johannes Graeb, Economist, International Policy Analysis, European Central Bank
Caesar Ng, Regional Head of Transaction Banking, Greater China, Maybank

Session chaired by Emmanuel Daniel, Chairman, The Asian Banker
10:00 – 10:30 Coffee/Tea Break
10:30 – 11:30

Shanghai FTZ: a new round of financial reform in China

  • Shanghai FTZ:  One year since the launch.  A summary of progress and challenges
  • How does the FTZ compare to the SEZ (Special Economic Zone) set up in the 90's?
  • Gold exchange in the FTZ: What is the significance? China is the global number one gold user: can Shanghai be the global gold trading centre in the future?
  • Banks in FTZ: when will they be ready to issue renminbi-denominated bonds, trade in FX and other derivatives
  • The next 12 months: do we need to liberalise further and quicker?

Speakers/panellists include:
A representative,  Shanghai FTZ Administration Committee
Li Lin, Head of Strategic Development, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank
Raymond Wang, Head of RMB Capability Development & Head of Shanghai Free Trade Zone Sub-branch Preparation, Westpac

Session chaired by Sam Ahmed, Managing Director & Founder, Deriv Asia
11:30 – 12:30

Updates on offshore renminbi-denominated bond market

  • Improving infrastructure for more prosperous markets
  • Importance of diversification in market structure improvement
  • The rise of local government financing vehicles (LGfV)in the Dim Sum market
  • Is the Performance of Dim Sum bonds is better now?

Speakers/panellists include:
Johannes Graeb, Economist, International Policy Analysis, European Central Bank
Tong Wang, Deputy GM, Global Markets, BOC (Hong Kong)
Gaetan Gosset, Head of Product Management, APAC, Euroclear

Session chaired by James Cullen, former SVP, Wells Fargo
12:30 – 13:30 Luncheon
13:30 – 14:30

The latest development of the RQFII scheme?

  • The expansion of RQFII quota outside Mainland and HK
  • Reasons for approved RQFII quota not being fully utilised
  • Expecting greater flexibility for fund managers to use their quotas
  • A lack of hedging options for RQFII ETF market-makers
  • Uncertainty on taxation policy
  • RQFII fund under the Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) scheme

Speakers/panellists include:
Tseng Ko, Managing Director, E Fund Management
Helen Zhou
, Managing Director, CSOP Asset Management

Session chaired by  Boon Ping Foo, Managing Editor, The Asian Banker
14:30 – 15:00 Coffee/Tea Break
15:00 – 16:30

RenminbiWorld 2014 closing session

Building a sustainable offshore renminbi hub

  • Upgrading renminbi liquidity facility
  • Developing hedging instruments
  • Diversification of renminbi investment tools
  • Role of official offshore clearing banks in building an offshore hub
  • What's between offshore renminbi hubs? Competition or complementariness?-MOU between HKEx and SGX
  • Lessons learnt from other active offshore markets such as Eurodollar markets

Speakers/panellists include:
Jochen Metzger, Head of Payment and Settlement Systems, Deutsche Bundesbank
Luc Decker, Consul General of Luxembourg in Shanghai
Henry Yung, Senior Manager, Financial Infrastructure Department, HKMA

Session  chaired by Emmanuel Daniel, Chairman, The Asian Banker

*Please note that the speakers and panelists are in various stages of confirmation and will be updated accordingly.

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