
09:00 - 11:30 |
金融创新展览—5 月 24 至 25 日 |
11:30 - 14:30 |
名师指导—5 月 24 日 |
13:00 - 14:00 |
“创新者之约”午餐会( 20 至 30 人参加)— 5 月 25 日 参与者:
14:00 - 16:30 |
决赛入围者将各有9分钟展示时间,让全球领先的风险投资公司、投资者、创业孵化器和金融行业科技高层聆听他们的推介。 路演涵盖不同金融创新领域,包括:
Gerlinde Gerber, Program Manager
- 大数据 / 人工智能 / 机器学习
- 支付科技
- 数据保密/ 网络安全/ 反欺诈
- 消费信贷/ 中小企业贷款
- 保险科技
- 监管可以
大数据 / 人工智能 / 机器学习
- 第四次工业革命将由人工智能推动
- 语音识别在社交平台中的应用是人工智能最大的日常应用场景之一
- 大数据征信应用在政府服务、就业、贷款等领域的应用
- 无人机/自动驾驶 - 科技公司如何利用这些前沿科技来收集数据?
- 目前关于“人工智能”发展的对话有多少是炒作和现实?有什么最新进展使人工智能成为一个热门话题?
- 对大数据和人工智能模型、治理和流程的监管监督的必要性。
- 中国的移动支付技术在影响其他国家。移动支付在影响银行业,金融科技公司在抢占银行市场
- 银行该怎样应对这种挑战,又该怎样与科技公司合作?
- 现有银行如何应对更快的支付科技? 支付领域有什么影响力大的技术和方法 – 移动钱包、P2P、实时支付系统
- 生物识别支付和语音支付是否会大规模采用? 成功的潜在驱动因素是什么?
- 您是否认为实时支付会在欺诈监控和验证领域带来复杂情况? 现有系统是否充分利用人工智能/机器学习等技术进行反欺诈?
- 着移动设备、应用和钱包日渐普及,网络罪犯带来的风险呈几何倍数上升。 该如何验证移动用户身份并授权交易?
- 数据经济的未来–个人数据是金融科技界的热点问题,但是如何在隐私保护与消费者信息利用之间达到平衡?
- 对抗网络安全攻击的方法 – 适当的响应、新威胁的预测、专门投入时间和资源来应对这些攻击
- P2P借贷行业已准备好应对新的监管变化。 对于小型初创企业、信贷投放等造成的冲击
- 政府将如何影响并塑造贷款公司的增长态势?
- 人工智能和机器学习技术的进步,可通过改进信用评分和担保,从而为消费者带来创新信贷服务
- 将下一个十亿消费者和中小企业带入金融界,有赖于来自多种渠道的新数据源,但是下一批重要的信息来源有哪些,它们将如何改变格局?
- 新的创新模式的发展,可向消费者和中小企业提供更多信贷机会
- 保险公司将在多大程度上接近消费者的日常生活?
- 保险公司与消费者的生活相关联,它们有机会接触人们生活中产生的所有数据,如健康、习惯和行为等数据。
- 区块链、人工智能、物联网、大数据以及云计算等关键技术将如何重塑保险行业
- 通过生活方式应用进行的互动将会如何改变保险公司与投保人之间关系的动态?
- 数字技术已给保险业务带来了许多变革,如个性化、平台模式、自动化以及实时信息。 这些因素会如何影响遗留系统?
- 金融科技热是否为提醒公司关注新兴监管科技的警告讯号?
- 政府如何积极主动地适应新技术?
- 通过监管沙盒实现监管合规 – 是否奏效?
- 达到适当的平衡,以培育创新并维护监管机构的监督
- 世界其它地区有哪些关于消费者银行账户及其它金融数据访问的不同监管区域?
Chris Skinner is known worldwide as a leading commentator and strategist on the financial markets, and is a well-known blogger through thefinanser.com. He is author of several books and works full-time as chief executive of think tank Balatro, as well as chairman of the European networking forum Financial Services Club and Nordic Finance Innovation.
Matt Dooley is founder and director of Connected Thinking, providing digital strategy, marketing, and training to banks. He was global head of Internet strategy and head of digital experience for the global commercial banking division in HSBC. He pioneered HSBC’s global Internet design standards as a result of establishing the first Internet banking platform back in 2000.
Andra Sonea is architect at the fintech consulting company 11FS and former lead solutions architect at Digital Innovation Labs, Lloyd Banking group. She is a strategic thinker with over fifteen years of international experience in consulting on financial services industry. Sonea has previously worked at Ernst and Young, Deutsche Bank, KPMG and IBM Global services and is also a mentor at Startupbootcamp Fintech.
David Gyori is a globally renowned fintech consultant, trainer, author and keynote speaker. He is the chief executive officer of Banking Reports based in London and is a founding member of the World FinTech Association. Gyori is a faculty member of the Retail Banking Academy, one of the most prestigious banker-training facilities.
Amit Goel Amit is the Founder and Chief Strategy & Innovation Officer for MEDICI. He is passionate about bringing actionable FinTech-focused insights, innovative products and services for the FinTech ecosystem. Some of his work involves startup scores, bank scores/assessments, predictive viewpoints and other innovations that have helped MEDICI’s customers and the ecosystem. He has been named amongst the Top 100 FinTech thought leaders/influencers in the world and Top 10 in Asia multiple times by reputed agencies, consulting firms, and financial institutions.
Aditya Khurjekar is CEO and founder at MEDICI (formerly LTP, Let’s Talk Payments), the trusted source for global FinTech insights and ecosystem engagement. Previously, Aditya was a founder of Money20/20, and on the the founding team at Softcard, the mobile commerce joint venture between AT&T, T-Mobile & Verizon. Aditya also held a number of leadership positions at Verizon Wireless, CSG Systems, Lucent Technologies and Bell Laboratories. Aditya holds an MBA in Finance & Management from New York University and an MS in Electrical Engineering. He lives in Charlotte, NC and works with teams all over the world."
Jaspar Roos, Chief Inspiration Officer and Innovator, Netherlands
Jaspar Roos is currently Chief Inspiration Officer at Limpid & Co. Previously he was the Chief Inspiration Officer at ABN AMRO Bank, leading the innovation and venturing unit of ABN AMRO Bank. He was also cofounder of XL family, an international advisory firm, and 2SQRS, an investment fund. His experience spans from running a corporate innovation unit to launching digital ventures.Julian Kwan, Founder and CEO, InvestaCrowd
Julian Kwan invests in proptech, blockchain, cryptocurrencies and real estate, and is the Founder and CEO of InvestaCrowd, a proptech capital markets licensed global real estate investment platform headquartered in Singapore. InvestaCrowd is the founding member of Real Estate Blockchain Labs and is building the ICTX a Real Estate security token exchange.Jeffrey Paine, Managing Partner, Golden Gate Ventures, Singapore.
Jeffrey Paine is Managing Partner at Golden Gate Ventures, an early stage venture fund for startups in Southeast Asia with strong ties to Silicon Valley. Prior to this he was Director, at The Founder Institute, a global network of startups and mentors that helps entrepreneurs launch great technology companies around the globe. He is also an advisor to The Sydney Seed Fund.Markus Gnirck is the Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer at tryb, a a technology company that invests in, builds out and aggregates growth stage infrastructure technology and platforms transforming financial services in ASEAN. Gnirck is also co-author of Asia FinTech 100, Contributor at Forbes, Founding Committee Member of the Singapore FinTech Association, Fellow at Singapore University of Social Science and chosen as Forbes Asia 30 under 30 in 2016 for Venture Capital & Finance.
Eric Tachibana, Area Senior Practice Manager, APAC and Japan, Professional Services, Amazon Web Services
Eric Tachibana runs the APJ Area for the Professional Services organization at Amazon Web Services. Previously he was the Asia Pacific COO for UBS, and before that APAC technology and operations COO with Bank of America Merrill Lynch where he was responsible for innovation, business management, risk & compliance, and employee engagement.Alex Medana,Co-Founder & CEO FinFabrik
Alex is the CEO of FinFabrik a HK-based FinTech company building the next generation of platforms to improve the customer journey particularly in capital markets and wealth management. He is also a Board Member Fintech Association HK. Previously, Medana spent 17 years in various tier 1 global financial institutions overseeing operations across diverse asset classes, client segments and business lines in Europe and APAC.Vladislav Solodkiy,Managing Partner, Life.Sreda and CEO, Arival Bank
Solodkiy was recognised by UK magazine Institutional Investor as one of the TOP35 most influential fintech-persons in the world. He established Life. SREDA four years ago, which has invested in 22 start-ups in US, UK, Germany, CIS, Singapore, Philippines, India and Vietnam, including Simple, Moven, Fidor Bank, SumUp, Anthemis Group, Mobikon, and Lenddo. For the last one and a half years, the company heavily supported the fintech ecosystem in Singapore. It invested in eight companies; launched Inspir Asia co-working space and accelerator; and helped the Monetary Authority of Singapore in promoting Singapore as fintech hub across the world by launching www.BAAS.IS, the first pan-Asian bank-as-a-service-platformUrs Bolt, Fintech & Regtech Expert
Bolt has more than 25 years’ experience as a senior banker, focusing on wealth management, investment banking, risk & regulation, and financial technology business. His expertise centres on developing and launching new digital business platforms and establishing prime services for high net-worth/ultra-high-net worth clients. His focus is to help financial technology (fintech) and regulatory technology companies and financial service providers review business strategies, develop products and markets, execute sales, scout for fintech solutions and start-ups, build business partnerships, and implement corporate structures and processes.Brian W Tang, Managing Director, Asia Capital Markets Institute
Brian W Tang is the founder and managing director of the Asia Capital Markets Institute (ACMI), a platform for global thought leadership, industry-wide consensus building, and transformational technology. ACMI’s areas of focus include regulatory technology (RegTech), online capital marketplaces and artificial intelligence. Tang is also co-chairs the RegTech Committee of the Fintech Association of Hong Kong and the IEEE AI Ethics Initiative’s Policy Panel.- Other CIOs and Chief Innovation Officers
The following are the eight fintech selected to participate at The Asian Banker Beijing Financial Innovation Showcase and Competition 2018:
请于2018年4月27日之前完成报名问卷,并发送至 gtai@theasianbanker.com参与详情及申请递交请联系:邰子健先生电话:010-5869 3447
报名截止日期: | 2018年4月27日 |
入围名单公布: | 2018年5月5日 |
金融科技创新竞赛: | 2018年5月24-25日 |
电话:010-5869 3447 邮箱: gtai@theasianbanker.com 手机/微信: 15611330186
Neeti Aggarwal (女士)
维度 |
指标 |
产品, 技术与创新 |
30% |
可扩展性 |
20% |
融资与财务 |
10% |
15% |
客户 |
15% |
合作关系 |
10% |