开鑫金服是由国家开发银行联合江苏省再担保、江苏国信、无锡金投等发起设立的互联网金融企业,一直坚持“支持实体”的发展理念,目前主要为供应链合作伙伴提供产品设计、系统开发、风险管理等金融科技服务,是行业合规运营的标杆性企业,目前是中国互联网金融协会常务理事单位,江苏省互联网金融协会副会长单位。更多信息,请访问: www.kxjf.com

BIDV, the longest-established leading bank in Vietnam (since 1957), has always been the trusted brand and the best option for economic organizations, corporates and individuals in financial and banking services. BIDV provides a broad range of banking and financial services, including retail, commercial and institutional banking and bancassurance, stock exchange services. BIDV is now serving more than 10 million individual customers and corporations. The bank has a largest bank network in Vietnam with more than 1,000 branches and transaction offices nation-wide and has its presence in Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia, the Czech Republic, Taiwan (China) and Russia. BIDV is proud to be The only Best Retail Bank in Vietnam by The Asian Banker in 2015, 2016 and 2017 with The Best Mortgage Product in 2016 and 2017. www.bidv.com.vn

中国小额信贷联盟,简称联盟,其前身是“中国小额信贷发展促进网络”,是中国小额信贷领域最早的全国性会员制协会组织,其法律实体为中国县镇经济交流促进会小额信贷发展研究分会。中国县镇经济交流促进会成立于1992年,是经中华人民共和国民政部批准并登记注册的全国性民间社团组织,具有独立的法人资格。该促进会由中国社会科学院主办,由中国社会科学院农村发展研究所负责日常管理。联盟引进并推动的普惠金融理念已经写入十八届三中全会决议,并成为国务院在金融改革领域的重点工作。联盟坚持农村金融领域实践,支持公益小额信贷机构发展。联盟率先在国内成立互联网P2P行业自律委员会,在普惠金融和小额信贷领域具有广泛的影响力。 www.chinamfi.net

Silverlake Digital Economy provides a revolutionary unified, innovative banking technology platform for customer engagement that offers a fully-fledged digital, omni-channel e2e operating model. The business results are astonishing: better, augmented customer offerings, fastest in-branch sales and service, paperless, superior cross-selling and complementary easy-to-use self-service channels.

Founded in 2013, Tongdun Technology is a professional third-party intelligent risk management service provider headquartered in Hangzhou, Zhejiang. Since its inception, Tongdun has been serving its clients under a risk control concept that centralises on an “intelligent integrity network”. To date, over 10000 corporate clients have chosen Tongdun’s products and services.

The Money Services Business Association (“MSBA”), is the largest trade association that represents the interests of Money Services Businesses in the United States. It is registered as a 501 c (6) trade association focused on the non-bank money services industry, including licensed money transmitters their agents/authorized delegates, payment card issuers and distributors, payment processors, international remittance companies, bill payment companies, mobile payment application providers, payment aggregators, virtual currency exchanges and administrators, eWallet providers and other similar money services providers that are engaged in payments. The MSBA actively collaborates with other trade organizations , both in the US and internationally, to work together for the common good of the financial services industry.

Ripple provides global financial settlement solutions to ultimately enable the world to exchange value like it already exchanges information – giving rise to an Internet of Value (IoV). Ripple solutions lower the total cost of settlement by enabling banks to transact directly and with real-time certainty, optionally using the digital asset XRP to further reduce liquidity costs. Banks around the world are partnering with Ripple to improve their cross-border payment offerings, and to join its growing, global network of financial institutions and liquidity providers. ripple.com

The Institutional Limited Partners Association (ILPA) engages, empowers and connects limited partners to maximize their performance on an individual, institutional and collective basis. With more than 400 member institutions representing more than $2 trillion USD of private equity assets under management, ILPA is the only global organization dedicated exclusively to advancing the interests of LPs and their beneficiaries through best-in-class education, research, advocacy and events. For more information, please visit ILPA.org

IIS is a global forum for all insurance industry stakeholders, probing vital issues and utilizing world class research as a force to drive growth and innovation towards sustainable risk management. Our vision is to shape the future of the global insurance industry as a key contributor to the open dialog on the economic and social development of markets.www.internationalinsurance.org/forum

IMA® (Institute of Management Accountants) is the worldwide association of accountants and financial professionals in business. Founded in 1919, IMA is one of the largest and most respected associations focused exclusively on advancing the management accounting profession. IMA is committed to empowering its 100,000+ members—and those throughout the rest of the profession—to strengthen on-the-job skills, better manage companies, and accelerate careers. IMA invites its members to discover the myriad possibilities within the profession and build an actionable future in management accounting. www.imanet.org.cn

BAFT, a subsidiary of the American Bankers Association, is the leading global financial services association for international transaction banking, helps bridge solutions across financial institutions, service providers and the regulatory community that promote sound financial practices enabling innovation, efficiency, and commercial growth. BAFT engages on a wide range of topics affecting transaction banking, including trade finance, payments, and compliance. www.BAFT.org

The Paypers (thepaypers.com) is the Netherlands-based leading independent source of news and intelligence for professionals in the global payment and ecommerce community. Our readership consists of merchants, banks, payment services providers, processors, acquirers, financial institutions and technology vendors. We have a special focus on all major trends and developments in: payment solutions & services, digital payments, digital commerce, b2b payments, payments infrastructure, fraud & risk management, regtech, digital identity, regulation & compliance, banking & fintech, and mergers & acquisitions.

The European Chamber of Commerce in Singapore, known as EuroCham, was established in 2001. It is composed of the European National Business Groups (National Chambers of Commerce or Business Associations) in Singapore and of direct corporate members. EuroCham’s mission is to represent the common interests of the European business community in promoting bilateral trade, services and investment between the European Union, and Singapore and ASEAN. EuroCham is the sole European representative at the Singapore Business Federation (SBF) Council. For more information, please visit www.eurocham.org.sg

北京股权投资基金协会(BPEA)成立于2008年6月20日,在北京市政府大力支持下,由北京市金融局为工作指导单位,为股权投资基金产业搭建沟通与合作的平台。协会致力于促进行业环境建设、建立自律监管机制、维护会员合法权益、研究行业发展动向、培养相关专业人员和组织内外交流合作。同时,协会服务中心为会员及相关从业人士提供专业咨询、辅导,基金注册、备案,商务会议、培训等服务。 www.bpea.net.cn

上海市银行同业公会原名上海市银行(外汇)同业协会,成立于1992年12月22日,1998年改为现名。公会是经上海市社会团体管理局批准,依法设立的由设在上海市行政区内的商业银行等金融机构自愿组成的专业性、非营利性、行业性的社会团体法人,其业务主管单位为上海银监局。经考证,现今的上海市银行同业公会是成立于1918年的上海银行公会的历史延续,两者一脉相承。截至2018年4月末,公会共有218家会员单位。会员单位包括:政策性银行、民营银行、大型商业银行、股份制商业银行、城市商业银行、资产管理公司等。准会员单位为外资金融机构驻沪代表处。 www.sbacn.org

中国网络金融联盟(China e-Finance Union,简称“网金联盟”)作为中国计算机用户协会二级分会,由 20 多家银行于 2009 年 6 月在北京共同发起成立,旨在促进中国电子银行事业发展的非营利性社团组织。成立之初联盟名为中国网上银行促进联盟,简称网银联盟,于2015 年 3 月在保留原有名称的同时,申请并获准冠名为“中国计算机用户协会金融互联网分会”,2017年10月“网银联盟”更名为“网金联盟”,将关注领域从电子渠道建设拓展到金融互联网化的范畴,通过同行、跨行的交流分享与业务合作,为银行在互联网领域的业务创新、营销服务带来更多的推动力。 www.cibu.org

中国信息协会是1989年4月经民政部批准成立,由经济、科技、社会等领域从事信息工作的团体和个人自愿组成,具有社团法人资格的全国性社会团体,是信息行业的非营利性中介服务组织。中国信息协会的英文译名为China Information Industry Association,缩写为CIIA。 中国信息协会由国家发展和改革委员会主管,接受民政部的管理和监督,业务工作接受工业和信息化部的指导,办事机构依托国家信息中心。 中国信息协会主办的期刊有:《中国信息界》、《中国会展》、《中国科技投资》、《中国产经》;内部刊物《信息化参考》。 中国信息协会官方网站:中国信息化网 网址: www.ciia.org.cn

DigFin Group (www.digfingroup.com) is an online media based in Hong Kong covering digital transformation in financial services. We cater to an audience of finance professionals in asset management, banking, capital markets, insurance and payments.

Institute of Financial Consultants ® is a professional body for those who work in the financial profession. Our members are employed in all sectors of the economy and make a significant contribution to the efficiency of any business. IFC offers an educational program leading to the designation of a Certified Financial Consultant ® (CFC) issued to qualified graduates. The Institute has a growing global presence and had extended its network into China and Hong Kong since 2005. In 2018, we have introduced a newly qualification Certified Financial Manager in Trust and Estate Planning (CFMTEP), aiming to enhance the professional knowledge and practices in the area of wealth management and heritage planning. IFC aims to ensure its members provide competent, ethical and objective financial advice. This is to the advantage of clients and employers, the profession and individual members of the Institute.

Plug and Play is a global innovation platform dedicated to bringing the most innovative technology startups to leading corporations, facilitating corporates’ internal innovation, solve technology challenges faced by the business units. PNP is also one of the most active early stage investors in Silicon Valley, with success stories including, Dropbox, PayPal, and Lending Club.

Whether you are big or small you need great investor relations.
The Investor Relations Society (IR Society) is a membership organisation that exists to help companies of all sizes to communicate with the investment community as efficiently and effectively as possible through training, sharing of best practice, events and networking with peers. It is run by IR practitioners for IR practitioners. Membership is open to anyone working in IR or a with responsibility for investor communications, or with an interest in investor relations more generally. To find out how the IR Society can help you, visit www.irsociety.org.uk

SupplyChainBrain, the world’s most comprehensive supply chain management information resource, is accessed year round through a wide range of ever evolving multi-media formats by hundreds of thousands of senior level industry executives. In addition to addressing the fundamental principles of supply-chain management, SupplyChainBrain identifies emerging trends, technologies and best practices, forward thinking ideas and cutting-edge solutions-and continues to write and report about these as they evolve and mature.

The Bank Marketing Association of the Philippines or BMAP is a non-stock, non-profit organization of banking institutions which seek to upgrade and promote the practice of bank marketing in the country. Organized on February 27, 1974 by 16 pioneering forces engaged in the Public Relations and Advertising work of their respective banks, BMAP was registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission on August 19, 1974. It has grown into a membership of close to 40 institutions over the last 44 years. As communicators, BMAP is committed to the integrated brand marketing development of its members while acting as one of the voices of the banking industry on matters concerning customer interests.

The Alternative Investment Management Association is the global representative of the alternative investment industry, with more than 1,900 corporate members in over 60 countries. AIMA’s fund manager members collectively manage more than $2 trillion in assets. AIMA draws upon the expertise and diversity of its membership to provide leadership in industry initiatives. AIMA set up the Alternative Credit Council to help firms focused in the private credit and direct lending space. The ACC currently represents over 100 members that manage $350 billion of private credit assets globally. AIMA is committed to developing skills and education standards and is a co-founder of the CAIA – the first and only specialised educational standard for alternative investment specialists. AIMA is governed by its Council (Board of Directors).

ASIFMA is an independent, regional trade association with over 100 member firms comprising a diverse range of leading financial institutions from both the buy and sell side, including banks, asset managers, law firms and market infrastructure service providers. Together, we harness the shared interests of the financial industry to promote the development of liquid, deep and broad capital markets in Asia. ASIFMA advocates stable, innovative and competitive Asian capital markets that are necessary to support the region’s economic growth. We drive consensus, advocate solutions and effect change around key issues through the collective strength and clarity of one industry voice. Our many initiatives include consultations with regulators and exchanges, development of uniform industry standards, advocacy for enhanced markets through policy papers, and lowering the cost of doing business in the region. Through the GFMA alliance with SIFMA in the United States and AFME in Europe, ASIFMA also provides insights on global best practices and standards to benefit the region.

SmartStream provides Transaction Lifecycle Management (TLM®) solutions and Managed Services to dramatically transform the middle and back-office operations of financial institutions. Over 1,500 clients, including more than 70 of the World's top 100 banks, 8 of the top 10 asset managers, and 8 of the top 10 custodians rely on SmartStream's solutions. SmartStream delivers greater efficiency, automation and control to critical post trade operations including: Reference Data Operations, Trade Process Management, Confirmations and Reconciliation Management, Corporate Actions Processing, Fees and Invoice Management, Collateral Management, Cash & Liquidity Management and Compliance Solutions. Used independently or as a suite of solutions and services, clients gain a lower cost-per-transaction whilst reducing operational risk, aiding compliance and improving customer service levels. For more information about SmartStream, visit www.smartstream-stp.com

Fiserv drives innovation in Payments, Processing Services, Risk & Compliance, Customer & Channel Management and Insights & Optimization. A global leader in financial services technology, Fiserv is a FORTUNE 500 company and is on the FORTUNE Magazine “World’s Most Admired Companies®” list. Our solutions deliver intelligent experiences in banking, payments, engagement and security – experiences that help more than 12,000 banks, credit unions, billers, mortgage lenders and leasing companies, brokerage and investment firms, and other business clients provide financial services at the speed of life. Visit www.fiserv.com to learn more

Vietnam Supply Chain Community is the leading independent and truly not-for-profit platform for 11,000+ supply chain professionals in Vietnam and South East Asia to learn, share, and network effectively. The community objectives are to develop supply chain management awareness and practice by offering learning opportunities to supply chain professionals in Vietnam. Vietnam Supply Chain is the most dynamic supply chain knowledge sharing center in Vietnam. Vietnam Supply Chain Community offers different types of activities to different user groups from top management to entry level executives.www.vietnamsupplychain.com