08:00 |
注册 |
09:00 |
欢迎致辞 领导力对话:“一带一路”—进一步连接世界
10:30 |
茶歇 |
11:00 |
12:00 |
13:00 |
午餐 |
14:30 |
15:30 |
会议结束 |
16:00 |
闭幕主旨演讲: 全球经济未来 毫无疑问,2017年对于金融服务来说是多事之年,满是政治格局变化、经济不确定性和对2018年监管政策改变的策划。虽然诸如英国脱欧谈判等政治事件将持续影响金融服务行业,但数字化、数据、机器过程自动化和区块链将一起占据主导地位,使这个行业出现更大波动,并为不受限制的增长和创新铺平道路。
17:00 |
会议结束 |
08:00 |
Registration and Morning Networking |
08:30 |
Opening Keynotes The State of the Industry: Collaboration and competition in the peer-to-peer world Successfully Harnessing Fintech to Advance Online Marketplace Lending in China and Beyond Keynote Dialogue: Speakers/Panellists include:
10:30 |
Networking Break |
11:00 |
Where Banks Fear to Tread - Providing Market Access and Credit to a Growing ASEAN Region through Non-banks and P2P Technology
Speakers/Panelists include:
Chaired by Sam Ahmed, MD, Deriv Asia |
12:00 |
Luncheon |
13:30 |
From Enterprise hosting to Cloud - Is this the Future of Banking Technology?
Speakers/Panelists include:
Chaired by Conor Cunningham, CEO, ACUO |
14:30 |
Cryptocurrency or Digitalized Assets on Blockchain- How are Banks and Authorities Reacting in Asia?
Speakers/Panelists include:
Chaired by Thomas McMahon, CEO, Pan Asia Clearing Enterprise |
15:30 |
Networking Break |
16:00 |
Closing Re-Imagination Session Reimagining the future of money Imagination Panel
Chaired by Emmanuel Daniel, Chairman & co-chaired by Gordian Gaeta, International Resource Director, The Asian Banker |
17:00 |
Close of Conference Day Two |
Featured keynote speakers from 2017
Barney Frank,
Former congressman, co-author of Dodd-Frank Act -
Cathy Lemieux,
EVP, Supervision and Regulation, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago -
David Shrier,
Founder and New Ventures, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) -
Tang Ning,
Founder and CEO, CreditEase -
Slava Solodkiy, Managing Partner, Life.SREDA
Featured speakers from 2017
Kanags Surendran,
Managing Director and Head, Digital Banking, CIMB Bank Berhad -
Bernard Leong,
Head, Post Office Network and Digital Services, Singapore Post Pte Ltd -
Ron Hose,
Co-Founder and CEO, Coins.ph -
Olivier Berthier,
Co-Founder and CEO, Moneythor -
Vidit Agrawal,
Strategic Vehicle Partnerships Lead, APAC, Uber
Stephanie Myers,
Vice President Customer Strategy, Experience and Loyalty, Prudential -
Sreeram Iyer,
COO, Institutional Banking, ANZ -
Lito Villanueva,
Managing Director, FINTQ by PLDT -
Raju Nair,
Managing Director- Regional Head Customer Journey Experience, DBS Bank -
Natividad Alejo,
Executive Vice President, Consumer Banking Group Head, Bank of the Philippine Islands
Richard Hartung,
International Resource Director, The Asian Banker -
Matt Dooley,
International Resource Director, The Asian Banker -
Sam Ahmed,
Managing Director, Deriv Asia -
Conor Cunningham,
Thomas McMahon,
Emmanuel Daniel, Chairman, The Asian Banker
Gordian Gaeta, International Resource Director, The Asian Banker
- 一带一路沿线国家商业银行公司业务、交易银行业务、跨境业务部门负责人;基金经理、资产管理经理
- 跨国公司、金融机构的CEO、高级管理层和战略决策者
- 主管金融发展、经济改革、和区域合作的高级政府官员和监管机构
- 财政部、商务部、贸易和投资促进机构代表
- 思想领袖、智库、专家、学者和研究人员
Please submit the required information in order to reserve your seat in The Future of Finance Summit.
We will contact you shortly with the registration confirmation and more exciting details!