Indonesia International Banking Convention 2014
6 November 2014, Shangri-La Hotel, Jakarta, Indonesia


Exploring the Transformations in Indonesia’s Retail Banking Landscape

Indonesia ranks as the fourth most populous country in the world. With only one fourth of the 250 million population estimated to have a bank account, this leaves a huge opportunity for Indonesian banks to move to the untapped market.

A pivot towards a cashless society is being pushed by the central bank is in promoting financial inclusion in Indonesia. The efforts towards making financial services available to everyone can be seen through the issuing of guidelines for banks and mobile network operators by the central bank. Along with the asset-based approach in bank classification, steps are taken by the central bank to go forward in regulating and engaging the branchless banking and payments in Indonesia.

Though cautious and still in its developing stages, Indonesian banks are teaming up with telecommunication companies to expand their service reach to the society. E-money services have started being offered to customers by six pilot banks and three of the nation’s largest telecom providers.

The Asian Banker will be bringing discussions on transformational issues that are shaping Indonesia’s retail banking industry. The sessions will be rich in content and interactive, represented by local and international experts in their respective fields. After the event we will host a cocktail for all the attendees of The Indonesia International Banking Convention.

Key working sessions include

  • Innovation in technology shaping the retail banking landscape
  • Paving the way for a cashless economy
  • Advancement in financial inclusion
  • Regulation and supervision on the industry
  • What’s in store for the future of retail banking?

    Past PIBC

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