Indonesia International Banking Convention 2014 Agenda 6 November 2014, Jakarta, Indonesia
08:30 – 09:00
09:00 – 10:30
Opening note: Foo Boon Ping, Managing Editor, The Asian Banker
Welcome note: Farid Rahman, ViceChairman, Perbanas
Opening Keynote Ida Rumondang Hasiholan Sipahutar, Deputy Director, Banking Supervision, OJK Banks: Going digital or bust
Technological advances in recent years have made digital banks more sustainable. The shift away from brick-and-mortar branches to users’ computers, laptops and mobile devices is gaining momentum in Indonesia. With one of the world’s highest growth rates in user-base, digital banking is expected to become the prefered chanel for customers to cary out heir banking transactions. In this environment, some pertinent isues include:
- Aligning digital banking with corporate strategy
- The current regulatory environment and rising customer expectation
- The changing role of branches in the midst of digitization
- Integrating customer oriented functions with back office processes
- The challenge in getting a holistic view through omni-channel
- Increasing data safety and system integrity
- Sriram Srinivasan, Director, Digital Engagement, Citibank Asia-Pacific
Moderator: Foo Boon Ping, Managing Editor, The Asian Banker |
10:30 – 11:00
Tea/ Coffee Break
11:00 – 12:30
Using analytics and data integration for profit maximisation
With the rise of Indonesia’s middle class, bank customers have become more sophisticated and demanding. By focusing on customer strategies and understanding customer behaviour in this dynamic market, we can assess the best platform and system to gain a competitive advantage. Issues include:
- Gaining better costumer insights to make better decisions
- Aligning data streams to deliver a more unified service and achieve a seamless integration of digital solutions
- Effective product bundling and cross-selling
- Maximising customer loyalty and after-sales strategy
- Designing the right KPIs and assessing the ROI in data and channels strategy accurately
Invited speakers/panelists:
- Steve Monaghan, Regional Director - Head of Edge (Group Innovation), AIA
- Bernard Lokasasmita, Head, Service and Operational Excellence, Permata Bank
- Greg Russell, Head of Alliances and Channels, Asia, Middle East & Africa IBM Security Trusteer
Moderator: Ted Carluen, Research Manager, The Asian Banker |
12:30 – 13:30
13:30 – 14:30
Mobile banking in Indonesia’s archipelago
Among the estimated 110 million mobile phone users in Indonesia, only 50% have bank accounts. Banks therefore have enormous opportunities to extend their market reach. How banks can achieve operational efficiency and customer satisfaction through secure and user-friendly systems will be key in driving success.
- m-Banking and m-Wallet: The back-bone of Indonesia’s financial inclusion goal
- Critical aspects of trust and ease-of-use
- Challenges in establishing agent networks for a remote customer base
- Developing mobile money as part of a multi-channel strategy for customer reach and awareness
Invited speakers/panelists:
- Sriram Srinivasan, Director, Digital Engagement, Citibank Asia-Pacific
- Rudy Hamdani , Head of Digital and Channel Management, Consumer Banking, PT. Bank ANZ Indonesia
Moderator: Ted Carluen, Research Manager, The Asian Banker |
14:30 – 15:30
Future of retail payments in Indonesia
The Central Bank and the Indonesian Payment System Association (ASPI) launched a strategic initiative to foster the creation of a secure, efficient and robust electronic payment system. Though growth of cards in circulation has slowed over the past year, transaction volumes and values have remained strong in 2014. Innovations by local banks have already looked to institutions such as hospitals and the police department to expand their reach and payment channels.
- Integrating e-commerce and e-money
- Deepening ASPI’s role in establishing a national payment gateway
- Designing the revenue model for payments
- Retailers seeking use of mobile payments to cut out credit card usage
- Host-Card Emulation vs Near Field Communication: The next game-changing innovation for payment services in Indonesia
Invited speakers/panelists:
- Steve Monaghan, Regional Director - Head of Edge (Group Innovation) at AIA
- Mahesh Ranade, Group Head SVP, IT Strategic Business Solutions, Bank Mandiri
- Prashant Gokarn, Chief Strategy and Planning Officer at Indosat
- Dhenu Wiarsandi, Head of Bank Channel Management, PT. Nusa Satu Inti Artha (DOKU)
Moderator: Foo Boon Ping, Managing Editor, The Asian Banker |
15:30 – 16:00
Tea/ Coffee Break
16:00 – 17:00
Customer Service from World Over - Lessons for Retail Banking
- Service is not what you may think
- Not just about technology
- Success stories beyond banking
- Getting the foundation right
Debashis Sarkar, Global Head of Reengineering, Standard Chartered Phil Crosby Medalist & Author of Lean Service Pioneer
Moderator: Ted Carluen, Research Manager, The Asian Banker |
End of Conference
*Please note that the speakers and panelists are in various stages of confirmation and will be updated accordingly.
For more details Contact: Alexander Gevanno, Program Manager Tel: (86) 10 5869 4641, Cell:+ 86 176 00 866 867;

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