Sungwoo Kim, team head, Bank Supervision Department Financial Supervisory Service, Korea

Sungwoo Kim is the team head of BCBS Team at Bank Supervision Department in the Financial Supervisory Service (FSS) in Korea. He has played major roles in the supervision and decision-making risk management policies regarding Korean banks. He has led the successful implementation of Basel III regulatory framework in Korea. During his career at FSS, he spent one and half year as a secondee of the FSS for Federal Reserve Bank of New York. 

TongSuk Kim, professor, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)

TongSuk Kim is a Professor at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). His area of research includes portfolio theory, risk management, and credit risk modeling. He is a founding member of the Financial Engineering MBA program at KAIST in 1996 and took a considerable role in establishing the Graduate School of Finance at KAIST in 2006. He served as the president of the Korean Association of Futures and Options in 2004. He also founded the Asia-Pacific Association of Derivatives (APAD).

Olfa Maalaoui Chun, assistant professor, Graduate School of Finance, Korea Advanced institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)

Olfa Maalaoui Chun is currently an assistant professor at the Graduate School of Finance, Korea Advanced institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). She specializes in credit risk modeling for Finance MBA and credit derivatives for Techno MBA students. She is also a visiting scholar at the Business School of the University of Southern California.
Tham Ming Soong, adjunct professor, National University of Singapore & former group chief risk officer, UOB Bank

Ming Soong spent 30 years as a banker and regulator in Canada and Singapore. He was UOB's CRO from 2005-2012, providing strategic risk management directions and overseeing credit, market, liquidity and operation risks for UOB's banking, fund management and insurance businesses. Until the end 2010 he chaired the Association of Banks of Singapore's risk management standing committee, and the risk management working group of the Institute of Banking and Finance. He is now focused on advisory and consulting in enterprise risk management, with specific interests in big data and high performance computing.
Rona Morgan, former head of risk strategy, HSBC Asia Pacific

Rona Morgan was the former group head of risk strategy at ANZ Bank until 2013, and before that, the head of risk strategy at HSBC Asia Pacific. She was responsible for Basel II implementation for HSBC, leading a large team to successfully adopt the most advanced approaches in one of the world's largest banking group. Her extensive knowledge in risk management is strengthened with a previous background as a commercial banker and a belief in strong regulatory engagement. She attended INSEAD and the London Business School.
Mathew Welch, former global head of banks, Standard Chartered

Mathew has 24 years of senior executive experience in financial markets in Asia, having conducted business and led teams, transactions and projects in most major Asian countries. Prior to starting his own firm, Mathew was Managing Director & Head of Banks, Asia (ex-Japan) at Daiwa Securities Capital Markets, Managing Director and Head Financial Institutions, Asia at ING Investment Banking, Managing Director, Investments at Temasek Holdings and Global Head of Banks at Standard Chartered. He has a MBA degree from Harvard Business School.

Tsuyoshi Oyama, partner, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu & former deputy director general, Bank of Japan

Tsuyoshi leads Deloitte’s practice for risk management and regulation advisory. Previously he spent 23 years at the Bank of Japan, most recently as deputy director-general in the financial system and bank examination department. In the BoJ, he conducted projects to manage Japanese banks‘ NPL issues, on-site examinations for major financial institutions, Basel II implementation and represented BoJ on the Basel Committee on Bank Supervision meetings. He was seconded to IMF's policy development and review unit in1994-1997 and is the author of “Post-crisis Risk Management”, “Art of Risk” and “Basel III Impact”.
Dr Chulwoo Han, chief executive officer and co-founder CMPR, Consultant to TriOptima

Chulwoo Han is CEO and co-founder of CMPR, financial consultancy in Korea. He has aids TriOptima's business development in South Korea.  His past work involves the modeling and analysis of a wide spectrum of financial instruments, and advanced analytics for portfolio risk management, asset allocation, and asset-liability management.
Murray Wood, regional director, Aon Financial Services & Professions Group, Asia

Murray Wood is the regional director of Aon’s Financial Services and Professions Group across Asia. Murray has over 25 years of risk management and insurance experience and has primarily focused on the financial services industry throughout his career. Accordingly, Murray is responsible for the oversight and delivery of Aon’s operational risk service offering (Basel II & III and Solvency II) to the Asia Pacific financial institutions industry. His other areas of expertise include the management of large corporate directors’ & officers’ liability, professional liability, crime and M&A transaction related insurance solutions. Murray has been at the forefront of many industry developments for the financial institutions sector driving insurance solutions for emerging risks such as cyber liability, network and intellectual property.
Mikael Nyberg, managing director, advisory services, enterprise risk solutions, Moody’s Analytics

Mikael Nyberg leads Moody’s Analytics Global Practices for portfolio management & valuation, balance sheet management, insurance, regulatory and compliance and stress testing. his practices cover consulting services based on a broad range of experience in enterprise risk solutions (ERS) software offered by Moody’s Analytics. His background includes having worked since 1998 on the global implementation and product management of KMV EDF™ and Portfolio Manager™ products.
Suk-Joon KIM, Head of SunGard Korea

Suk-Joon KIM has 15 years of work experience in Korea’s Financial Industry, focusing on IT solutions and services. As head of SunGard Korea, he works with securities firms and banks in various areas. He specializes in front to back listed exchange trading, OTC trading, enterprise risk management, security financing and compliance.

So-Yeoun (EL) Kang, Director, Korea Services & Director, Support Services Asia, SunGard Capital Market

EL Kang has over 13 years of experience working in the financial services industry. For the past seven years, she has been managing capital markets applications including risk management solutions. She is responsible for the distribution and maintenance of capital market products, coordinating regional client services to all clients in the Asia-Pacific, and working as a central contact for all Asia related communication with Development and Programme Management Group.
Foo Boon Ping Managing Editor, The Asian Banker
Boon Ping manages The Asian Banker publication business and engages practitioners, customers, partners and the media on critical issues that impact the industry. He has more than 18 years of experience in the banking and financial services industry, specializing in strategic branding, marketing communications and consumer insight. Prior to the Asian Banker he was at United Overseas Bank (UOB), covering Singapore and key markets in the region, such as China, Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand.
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