Workshop instructor
Karthik Iyer
CEO, Founder & Chairman, BlockchainMonk
Karthik Iyer is a globally recognized expert and advisor in blockchain and fintech. He is the India ambassador of the world’s largest think tank on decentralized technologies, the P2P Foundation (the only place Satoshi Nakamoto has his webpage). Karthik has been involved with cryptocurrencies as early as 2009 and did his first trade in 2011. He is the Founder of India’s first end-to-end Blockchain and Cryptocurrency research firm, Blockchain Monk.
He spent over a decade in Scandinavia and has mentored dozens of blockchain companies such as Ammbr, Dubtokens, Greeneum and Peerity and helped them build great products and raise capital. Karthik has worked for leading technology firms such as Red Hat, Novell, Sun Microsystems and advised CXO's of global banks in technology strategy.
He is the only non-European involved in the largest EU research project on peer-to-peer value and assisted the European Council in understanding the disruptive potential of blockchain and smart contracts. He also advised the heads of the largest banks and insurance firms in Europe on the potential of decentralized finance and blockchain technologies at LIMRA and subsequently helped various Scandinavian and American companies expand into Asia.
His views have been widely published, including being interviewed in the ‘Future of Money’ TV series on Bitcoin and Blockchain. He was the first Indian Columnist at the largest selling business newspaper in Norway and his Research paper on China is the most downloaded paper in the history of a leading journal.
Karthik has attained his education in India and Sweden and later acquired his MBA from Fudan University, China and pursued his PHD from the University of Oslo, Norway.